Our construction team have been hard at work at Iluka Plaza, and over the next few weeks are set to complete the last concrete pour as well as the ramp to the upper floor carpark.

The following milestones are set to be completed by end of March 2020:

  • IGA windows and doors installed
  • All perimeter walls standing
  • Roof Cover completion

There are only 3 tenancies remaining for lease!

  • 875sqm Food & Beverage
  • 100sqm – 337sqm Allied Health / Consulting Rooms / Office/Retail

Contact Anthony Morabito on 0430 101 385 or Jonathon Kilborn on 0404 796 137 to secure your place today!

Unit 1, 10 Geddes Street
Balcatta Western Australia 6021
P: +61 08 9240 8632
E: info@agem.com.au

Copyright 2022 AGEM Property Group.