The contents of this website are typically factual information only. Where the information can be regarded as financial advice it is important to understand that it is advice that is provided without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. For that reason, it is classified as general advice only. Where general advice is provided to you, we would advise, before you act on any general advice on this website, that you should first consider the appropriateness of the contents of the website having regard to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs.
Where relevant, you should also first obtain a copy of the Information Memorandum related to any investment and thoroughly review it before making a decision about whether to buy, sell or hold the investment. It is also recommended that you consider obtaining independent personal financial product advice before investing. By not doing so, you may risk engaging in conduct such as acquiring, holding or disposing of investments that are inappropriate for you and as a consequence you may suffer financial loss.
When considering any financial information contained on this website, please note that information relating to past performance is not indicative of future returns. That information is only provided for you to be able to gauge comparative historic past performance with other assets.
Estimates of income and capital growth projections are based on assessments of current and likely future economic and investment conditions. They are not forecasts or guarantees. Such figures are purely estimates and may vary without notice. The value of your investments may fall as well as rise. It is possible to incur a loss of capital.